Category: Hanga | Create

How to make a tree hut

Last term I made my tree hut and I really liked it. I used cardboard to make my walls and floor and then I cut a wall to make a door and then I glued the polystyrene to make the shape of my human friends. I used plastic Glad Wrap for my windows and I used the toilet rolls to hold my tree hut off the ground. Then I made the roof glued with a glue gun and then I waited a little bit and then it was dry and all stuck. 

After that I used ice block sticks to make my ladder so I can climb up into the tree hut and I also put some toilet rolls in there for furniture. I really enjoyed painting my hut in the end. 

Then after that we tested  our tree huts.  We had to put the huts in front of  the fan to make sure it couldn’t fall over in the wind. 

The second test is kinda the same thing but it was to put 4 scissors inside to see if it was strong enough to take some weight. Then the last test was the water test where you have to make sure the water won’t go in your tree hut  but I failed that one but at least I completed two of the tests. 

I really really enjoyed it and it was fun. I had a great time doing my tree hut and I love my tree hut so so much because I did it by myself. I’m proud of my hut because it was different to the other huts and it looked like a triangle and a tent.

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